The very mention of the term "pineal gland"
creates a mysterious aura. Renowned French philosopher, physiologist,
physicist, natural scientist and mathematician Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
called it "the seat of the soul." Others believe it is the
Centrum that carries the "life code" and conveys orders
to the body. Recent academic studies have found that the pineal gland
contains light-sensitive cells which function like those of the eye's
retina, testifying to the fact that the pineal gland can "see."
Thus, it is also known as the "third eye." Modern research
on melatonin production by the pineal gland has unraveled its mysteries
to some extent.
Pineal Gland and Melatonin
The pineal gland is a flat, cone-shaped organ about
the size of a pea lying in the center of the midbrain. It reaches
its largest mass during childhood, but calcifies and shrinks with
Melatonin production by the pineal gland is determined
by the amount of light received, for the gland plays the role of a
bodily clock, due to its sensitivity to light and regulation of the
sleep-wake cycle. During nighttime sleep, melatonin levels in the
body rise, reaching a peak between 11 PM and 2 AM, and then drop dramatically
when a new day dawns.
Melatonin production is related to age, increasing
at three months after birth, peaking at the age of six, and beginning
to drop after puberty.
Effect of Melatonin on the Human Body
Melatonin has a simple chemical structure, but it plays a decisive
role in bodily functions, monitoring the work of the glands and organs,
and regulating hormone production. It also controls over-stimulation
of the sympathetic nerves to lower blood pressure and slow the heart
rate, thus reducing the impact on the heart. It also alleviates mental
stress, improves sleep, adjusts the body's biological clock, relieves
jet lag, strengthens immunity, increases the body's resistance to
germs and viruses, and prevents cancer and senile dementia.
Melatonin production is inversely proportional to that of serotonin,
a chemical that constricts the blood vessels and acts as a neurotransmitter.
The mind is most active during the day, when it runs wild and is distracted,
resulting in an increase in the amount of serotonin required by the
nerve cells. During the night or meditation, when the mind is less
active, less serotonin and more melatonin are produced, and the situation
changes. However, when the eyes perceive light, melatonin production
is reduced. This is why night workers and those who sleep with the
light on have a lower immunity to disease and a higher propensity
to develop cancer than others.
Two studies in the U.S. have shown that bright light at night reduces
melatonin production and induces estrogen secretion in women, which
in turn increases the incidence of breast cancer among female night
workers. Research on infants who died from sudden infant death syndrome
(SIDS) found that the babies had underdeveloped pineal glands, which
lowered melatonin levels and weakened the brain's ability to deal
with free radicals (molecules with an unpaired electron), thus making
the brain vulnerable to free radical damage. Another study on children
and adult hypochondria suggests that the melatonin levels of psychiatric
patients are lower than those of healthy people.
Origin of Melatonin
Melatonin exists in small quantities in many plant species, including
oats, sweet corn, rice, ginger, tomatoes, bananas and barley. Intake
of other foods such as kelp, soy beans, pumpkin seeds, water melon
seeds, almonds, peanuts, yeast, malt, and milk helps to increase the
body's melatonin production.
Lower food intake ensures normal melatonin levels. Research shows
that old mice given less food have healthy pineal glands like those
of young mice, and can regulate melatonin production. Their melatonin
levels are 80 percent of those found in young mice, compared to 40
percent for old mice without food restriction.
Although melatonin has a significant effect on the human body, no
definite conclusions have been reached about whether melatonin supplements
are beneficial to health. Research shows that melatonin production
is higher in women who meditate. Big-toe exercises also stimulate
melatonin production. Physical exercise during the day increases melatonin
levels, while night exercises have the opposite effect. Therefore,
it is advisable to eat less, meditate, exercise regularly during daylight
hours and lead a disciplined life.