by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Florida, USA,
September 26, 1999(Originally in English) Videotape
No. 670
Master, I want to know about the importance of group meditation. Because
some people don't want to go to the Center for group meditation. They
say it is not important, and they meditate in their house.
It is very important. It's better for you if you can go to group meditation.
We say that all the time. When you sit together with other people,
you are more strengthened. It's more fun to sit with a lot of people,
number one. Number two, the collective power will help you. For example,
that's how the bank works, economically and practically speaking.
Everyone pools his money in one bank, and they get rich. One penny,
one dollar, two dollars, one hundred, two hundred, one thousand -
everyone pools his money and the bank becomes powerful. But everyone
who participates in the bank benefits also. If one person keeps the
money for himself, he doesn't get the interest. But if many people
pool the money in a bank together, the bank benefits a lot. And the
people benefit too; they get the interest. So practicing spiritually
is just like doing business in this world. It's very logical. One
person probably cannot lift this chair or lift the stage, but many
persons together can lift it. It's very simple. 

I have a full-time job and I am also a church minister. And I do funerals
and hospital visits. (Master: You have to do your duties, yes.) And
so I can't go at the time they have set for group meditation. I know
how important it is to congregate; I know it's good for me. I wanted
to ask you about it because I'm concerned about my responsibility
toward the group. But I also have a responsibility to my church.
Just try your best to meditate. Whenever you have time, go to group
meditation. It doesn't have to be every week. If you cannot make it,
maybe go once in a while, like once a month - whenever you can. Sometimes
the time is also not convenient for people. For example, if you can
meditate Saturday but the other people work on Saturday, or the kids
happen to be off school on Saturday, or your parents always visit
on Saturday, that kind of thing. Of course, whatever benefits you,
try to profit from it. But if you cannot, it's no sin. It's no problem
for anyone, just yourself. But you made the effort to come here, so
that means you are trying your best. And God knows that, and it's
all right. It's just that you enjoy maybe a little less progress than
others probably enjoy. That's all; you go more slowly. 
Benefits of Group Meditation