Report from Oregon, USA
Panorama of Events

[Oregon] After weeks of preparation, on January 6, 2002, the Oregon Center launched a lecture seminar featuring Master's videos at the Central Library in downtown Portland. The program was very successful, and afterwards many participants decided to stay and learn the Convenient Method. The great success of the seminar was very encouraging.

One gentleman came to the Library a few minutes before the seminar and said he was there to look for a book about God. When he saw Master's poster at the door of the seminar room, he thought to himself that perhaps this was what God wanted him to do. So he came in, listened to the video lecture, and stayed on to learn the Convenient Method.

A woman was visiting Portland that week and told us that she had been thinking about meditation, and then saw the library's event schedule. When she noticed a free meditation lesson listed, she came in and learned the Convenient Method.

One sister recalled that two women entered while we were still busy decorating the venue. So she greeted them very warmly, and invited them to stay and share a moment with us. They showed little response to her warm greeting, so she played one of Master's videotapes for them. Surprisingly, both women stayed and joined the seminar, and both learned the Convenient Method afterwards. Before departing, they smilingly told the sister who had greeted them that they now understood what she meant by "sharing a moment with us."

Inspired by the success of this event, the Oregon Center has decided to organize similar lecture seminars on a regular basis, so that more people will be offered the opportunity to share Master's love and blessings, and move forward on the path to enlightenment.