By brother initiate Vincent Nguyen, Virginia, USA
(Originally in English and Aulacese)
One day, my
brother called and said his colleague, who was chief editor of the radio
program RFA (Radio Free Asia) in Washington, D.C., was going to invite a
few Buddhist monks from France to his house for an interview, after the
monks had attended a Human Rights Meeting at the United States Congress
in Washington, D.C. He needed to prepare a vegetarian banquet for the guests
and wanted to ask my wife to help cook some dishes for him.
Feeling that
this was something she had to do, my wife prepared several dishes and delivered
them to the man's house. The guests had a fine meal, and expressed high
praise for the delicious vegetarian food. The man was very impressed with
my wife's help, and later said to my brother, "I have met a number
of Supreme Master Ching Hai's disciples, and all of them were very nice!"
I had always
believed that other than daily meditation and keeping the precepts, whatever
I did was my own business. But from this little experience, I came to realize
that even though we disciples have the right to "do our own thing",
others still look at us as representatives of Supreme Master Ching Hai,
and evaluate Master through our actions. After initiation, we become one
with Master, and whatever we do, good or bad, will affect and reflect on
Her. Those people surrounding us will be influenced by Master's teachings
- the concepts of Truth, Virtue and beauty - that we practice in our daily
lives, and we ourselves will be elevated unknowingly at the same time.