Elevation of the Soul


Supreme Master Ching Hai's
Latest Videotapes

<In English and Aulacese + Aulacese Subtitles>

720 Monkhood Begins with Asceticism

Group Meditation at the Florida Center, U.S.A., June 4, 2001

<In English and Chinese + English Subtitles>

721 The Wisdom Eye

Group Meditation at the Florida Center, U.S.A., June 4, 2001

<In English>

723 Moon Festival Performance Day (2)
A Special Program at the Florida Center, U.S.A.,
September 26, 1999, Evening

Supreme Master Ching Hai's
Latest DVD


<In English + Subtitles in 21 Languages>
676 A Parliament of the World's Religions
Cape Town, South Africa, December 1, 1999


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