Filled with supreme lights, celestial
music, sunny afternoons and bright nights, the joy of the Universe was
felt throughout the month of May. Here in Costa Rica, the initiated
brothers and sisters held meetings on the 8th, 11th, 12th and 15th of
May 2005, to view the Teachings of the Master during a retreat in Hungria.
On the day she was born in this planet, we celebrated her birthday with
a vigil of Quan Yin Meditation. It was truly an unforgettable encounter
with the Master.
we saw her on the screen, after three years of her physical absence,
we received her with warm applause, tears of joy, our souls were happy,
our lips expressed happiness, when she smiled, we smiled, when she held
up her glass to toast, we toasted with her, when she sang “Happy
Birthday” we san along with her. We all really had the feeling
of swimming in thousands and thousands of oceans of love and supreme
light. On May 15th, after the meditation and seeing the Master in part
III of the Teachings in Hungria, we shared a delicious cake, desserts
and various vegetarian delights prepared with much love. On this occasion,
a little 6-year old girl, Valeria Occhi Mora, daughter of one of our
initiated sisters, played her violin and dedicated the sweet melody
“Little Star” as she said “to the Master”. The
room filled with applause and expressions of love. Thank you Master
for teaching us to be happy!

An initiated sister, Mary Ann Rubinstein,
of the Meditation Center, was inspired during the month of May and wrote
to the Master:
The birthday of Master Ching
Hai is May 12th, for anybody for wishes to write something nice to her.
From the silence of my soul I felt that if I could only get an inspiration
to let her know my feelings…..
I tried to imagine infinity but it was too small
Let me see … I said to myself…
I looked up words…. But couldn’t find any...
I thought of reading poems of King Salomon, who in his magnificence
wrote to God…. But it did not suffice me……..
I thought then, about you, and imagined you there…. peaceful.
Safe and sound … in any place and any time...
of any shape but without shape...
just there, watching…...
Observing and creating at the same time….
Inhaling and exhaling the whole universe...
and watching...
AND at one look from you, the silent passing of life…
AND at another look from you, the calm arrives from nowhere...
AND at a look from you, the galaxies expand,….
at another look, powerful and alive feel the blue waves,...
at one look from you, the sun hides,...
one of your looks and a tree will live thousands of years,...
another look, and the flowers exhale in ecstasy their aroma ,
for you……...
and with only a look from you, we all come back to life,...
and though many cannot even imagine,
time after time we sought to see, only a look from you,...
Dear Master, this is why, to talk about love, is not enough,
to write about your devotion, many would not understand,...
What can I tell you of the day you decided to pose as a celestial butterfly,
a moment of your vast eternity, just to help us out...
We will remember as if it were May, every second of our lives, the Powerful
Being whose only look brought life and will bring to life everything
in the universe...
Each second of our lives, it will be unforgettable May, and we will
eternally remember a look from you, dear Master Ching Hai….
A look which adjectives cannot describe...
A look for which we will have to make up words to express its full breadth...
A look of Divine Dignity which did not exist in this world...
A look which has a Power we can only begin to perceive...
We will eternally remember May and will long , during all the months
of our years, to see ourselves reflected in the image and resemblance
of your perfection, as in a mirror and finally discover in us,
one look from you.
With all the love that is impossible to describe.